I felt the words directed at me. That comfort that settles in your heart when someone just gets it. I’ve been loving Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke— letters actually written by him to his colleague in 1903!
It’s wild to me that I can still read something from that time — I transport myself to Paris, or Berlin, or Rome or wherever Rainer is. Picturing this regal way of living à la The Gilded Aged drama series (because those are the only visuals of this time I know 😆).
I’m reminded that as humans, we feel the same things, whether it’s 1903 or 2023. He responds to his friend and says,
If it were possible for us to see further than our knowledge reaches, and a little beyond the outworks of our intuitions, perhaps we should then bear our sadnesses with greater assurance than our joys.
For they are the moments when something new enters into us, something unknown to us; our feelings, shy and inhibited, fall silent, everything in us withdraws, a stillness settles on us, and at the centre of it is the new presence that nobody yet knows, making no sound.
I believe that almost all our sadnesses are periods of tautening that we experience as numbness because we can no longer hear the stirring of our feelings, which have become foreign to us. Because we are alone with the strange thing that has entered into us; because everything familar and accustomed is taken away from us for a moment; because we are in the middle of a transition where we cannot stand still.
I honestly wish I could just paste this entire letter here because there is so much goodness! I can't remember the last time I cried from reading something (this is page 39 if you have your own copy or end up reading it).
With Rainer as our muse this month, it reminds me of the beauty that happens when we deeply connect from our hearts.
Whether it’s with someone you know, connecting with your own heart silently witnessing transition, and/or reading art like this.
This time of year is always so interesting to me — it pulls me in two opposing directions. One tells me it’s a new year and I need to turn the page! The other side whispers we still need time, please take it slow.
And well, if you’re feeling this dichotomy of post-Covid life trying to integrate back to whatever-this-time-is mixed in with the new-year-vibes — you are not alone.
We can lean on the people writing about the human experience, like Rainer. Or the ancient practices like yoga and meditation that have known this for centuries, that being human can be ________ (you fill in the blank).
I’ve provided some “rituals” below for you to retreat and ground, they have helped me and I hope they support you too.
In this month’s Contentment Corner, you’ll find:
△ Rituals
△ Self-employed I made $82,000 but how much did I really make?
△ Belonging: Healing through Practice & Storytelling. NEW!
Talk soon,
P.S. I’m still on a social media break, but slowly thinking of integrating back in. I don’t know why I still have so much resistance. In the meantime, I’m new to Aura Health and I uploaded my first Bilingual Meditation to Insight Time! Check them out. What have I missed everywhere else?
𑁍 Root Chakra By Londrelle
𑁍 Poetry
𑁍 Writing and Mental Health: Don’t forget to join me Weds and Suns for writing + mindfulness sessions
For mindful marketing
• Self-employed I made $82,000 but how much did “take home”?: I debated whether to make this blog public. I sat with it in draft form for several weeks and just yesterday pushed published. It’s scary to be this vulnerable openly and who knows if I’ll keep it live forever. I’m not an expert, but I can share from my heart my self-employment/small-business journey and hopefully support others too.
• If you need business & marketing support: I have one spot open for Marketing Coaching and one spot for the Roadmap, both for next month.
For your soul ✨
Britt and I met in 2020, at the height of the pandemic, in a virtual community space. Right away, there was a kindred experience. A recognition and appreciation of each other’s grounded and sincere nature. The movement of this community, led us both to be the primary space holders. In short, we facilitated virtual sessions for a group of 10-15 people, everyday, for 5 months. To put it lightly, we learned and grew a lot during that time. It created a strong bond of trust between the two of us and we now crafted our first experience!!
This is the first announcement to join us June 16 - 23: Belonging: Healing through practice & storytelling. A 7-Day Virtual & In-person Retreat. Learn more » » »