Sometimes the calling is just a whisper
Myth: you need a massive audience to be a successful creator.
In our current digital age, it can often feel like the calling needs to be with thousands of followers.
An email list beyond what we currently have.
A client base that grows faster than we can keep up.
Or an entrepreneurial spirit that does-it-all-on-its-own without a traditional 9-5.
I heard those words from today’s muse — sometimes the calling is just a whisper
It felt really important to say
The calling is in your own neighborhood.
Right around the corner of what you’re currently doing.
It’s not through fame. Or this grand gesture of viral social media posts.
Our modern technological connection provides a space for us to quickly express our process.
I imagine you too want to support the well-being of the collective — what we discover inwardly, we express outwardly, and quickly. That 10-day silent retreat. The inner child work. The new training. Through a photo. Through a short message. I am not immune to this and it came to my attention…
What is sacred? And what is secret?
And what aspects of our calling can remain sacred? In a quiet space. Where we can process our calling through the felt sense of inward observation. Not because it’s top-secret information but because it’s sacred.
In today’s Contentment Corner you can find:
♡ The video from today’s muse
🔖 The 2022 Creator Report: Want eye-opening insights into the creator economy?
✨ A 3-step mindset for mindful marketing
Talk soon,
For your mind
🌾 Journaling: 10-minute guided journaling and reflection. Rapid-fire writing to purge your mind and nurture your emotions.
For your heart
♡ Video: The Next 30 Years of Your Life
For business or creation
🖇 Myth: you need a massive audience to be a successful creator. The ConvertKit Creator Report shows that most engaged email lists have under 1,000 subscribers with the average list size being just 645.
🖇 Maybe you’re curious about how much people are making in this gig economy, and what their revenue streams are? I know I was, discover more facts by reading the full report.
For mindful marketing
For your soul